Welcome to SOVette.com – the website for the Southern Oregon Corvette Association (SOCA).
Whether you are a Corvette enthusiast who … grew up with the first-generation Corvettes from 1953 to 1982 … are a fan of the next generation redesigns from 1984 to 2004 … or get excited by the latest generations from 2005 to the present day … you are always welcome to join us at SOCA.

For nearly five decades, SOCA has brought together fans of Corvettes - people who wanted to drive together, socialize together, and participate in local, statewide, and out-of-state Corvette car shows, “show ‘n’ shines,” parades, and Corvette-related events.

“Back in the old days” the founding SOCA members used to see Corvettes drive by and follow the Corvette owners’ homes to tell them about the club.
Sometimes a card left on the windscreen of a parked Corvette brought new members to a club drive through scenic southern Oregon, to a monthly dinner at a local restaurant, or to the SOCA monthly members’ business meeting. We may come from hundreds of different backgrounds, but we all have a common enthusiasm for Corvettes.
Charitable giving back to our community has also been a common interest among SOCA members. The SOCA “Corvette Weekend” has been a bi-annual three-day summer car show, jetboat excursion, and charity breakfast, which has generated thousands of dollars for local charities. Corvette enthusiasts attending past Corvette Weekends – folks coming from Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, and even as far away as Arkansas – have helped SOCA support charities for children with cancer, and children with therapeutic needs.

For photos and information about our latest activities, continue to scroll down this page.
Check out the About SOCA tab for more about the club, the Events tab for our monthly schedule of activities, the Gallery tab for photos of SOCA members having fun, and the Newsletter tab for past copies of our monthly newsletter.
We welcome you again to SOVette.com, and we invite you to check out the Southern Oregon Corvette Association – we hope you like what you see, and …

2024 Crescent City Sea Cruise
Crescent City, Calif Sea Cruise Event On The Spacious Lawns At Beach Front Park
A very nice turnout of approximately 300 cars that participated @ this fun 32nd annual event.
A very nice representation of 15 Southern Oregon Corvette Association Corvettes were there to represent our club. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO THOSE SOCA MEMBERS THAT PARTICIPATED.
Wooden wall plagues were awarded to:
Len Atlas 2nd Place Modified 1963 Corvette Convertible
Ron Atkinson 1st Place Stock 1953 to present with a 1962 Corvette with 2 tops
Charlie & Debbie Simmons 2 MF Place St Category for their C8 2024 Convertible
Everyone had a great time on the Calif coast, the weather was absolutely perfect.

Grants Pass Automotive Corvette Show
Southern Oregon Corvette Association members Kim & Tammy Moore put together this event that brought together 60 beautiful C1 through C8 Corvettes for this annual event on a beautiful Sept day. Corvette Bar & Grill served up a great lunch for us on site.
SOCA Donated $1110.00 to Dave Siden Director Wildlife Images Rehabilitation & Education Center for various animals that can’t be released into the wild.
Tickets were purchased for a drawing of various baskets, bags & boxes filled with a variety of items. From a Car Cover, leather jacket to car cleaning products & anythings in between brought in by the SOCA Members. Thank you for your generosity in helping make this event a success.
Voting slips were handed out to participants to vote for their favorite cars in each category of C-1 through C8. The winning car received a wooden wall plaque for being the favorite in that class. The winners are as follows.
Grants Pass Automotive Car Dealership sponsored a wall plaque presented by Kevin to Andy Peters
C-1 Gary Castle
C-2 Debbie Faulkner
C-3 Craig Westby
C-4 Kim & Tammy Moore
C-5 Dave Wills
C-6 Dan Calvert
C-7 Jeremy Fanugao
C-8 2 Awards were given in this class to Rob & Blanca Hill & Rick Gragen. Both cars tied for #1 in C-8 Class!
Scott Bayless was the winner of the 50/50 raffle proudly receiving $120.00
We would like to give a special thanks to everyone that helped bring this show to reality & a big success. Grants Pass Automotive Car Dealership for providing us with a great place to hold a car show.
We would like to give a thank you too Kim & Tammy Moore and the volunteers that gave their time in putting this annual event together. Coordinating all those that volunteered to help with parking & the raffle itself. Rob & Blanca Hill who graciously provided us with the PA System
We would like to see you & your car at this annual event in 2025!!

What a Great weekend for Southern Oregon Corvette Association LLC.
Celebrating 50 years as a club (almost unheard of...) Beautiful day to celebrate us! Our love of our cars certainly showed on Saturday, what a great turnout!
Thank you to the committee that took the time to set up for this memorable celebration. Thank you to Sweet Tea Express for catering our party. Great food! Good people! Thank you to Evergreen Bank for letting us use the Bear Hotel facilities to make all this happen.

May 25, 2024
It was a cool crisp Saturday morning where 25 SOCA Corvette cars met up to take part in the Boatnik Parade Event in downtown Grants Pass. The SOCA Members waited patiently for our turn to take our place in the giant parade down 6th Street.
Our group was number 41 in the parade route. We slowly made our way to join the other groups before us.
The parade route was packed with parade spectators watching, waving, pointing and smiling enthusiastically, talking to us as we slowly ambled our way through the crowded streets.
Oohing, awhing, pointing and asking questions as we passed by the massive crowds lining the streets, all the way from near the courthouse to the 6th street bridge. It was truly a heartwarming experience to have such a fantastic turn out and support from the residents and visitors alike of Grants Pass and surrounding areas.
Thank you, organizers of the Boatnik Parade, for having SOCA be an important part of the Boatnik Parade with our Corvettes.
A Big Shoutout To Kerry Raza SOCA Parade Coordinator for making sure we were apart of this annual Boatnik Parade Event.
Thank you to Barney Burgers for our after parade lunch meet-up location.

Saturday May 11, 2024
Grants Pass members met at 7:45 AM bright and early at Corvette Bar & Grill on 6th street. There were approximately 25-30 members who came to caravan down Interstate 5 to TC Chevrolet in Ashland. Where we would meet the Medford area SOCA members. The trip down to Ashland went as smoothly as one would expect. Truely a spectacular sight to see this long single file line of beautiful glistening in the sun those beautiful Corvettes.
The weather was absolutely spectacular blue skies slight breeze it couldn't have been a nicer day for this annual picture perfect event.
When we arrived, we were greeted by the parking crew that did a superb job parking . A big thank you to those volunteers that helped everyone park. 73 Corvettes in total participated in this TC Chevrolet Event.
A big thank you goes to our SOCA Member Kim Moore for working in cooperation with TC Chevrolet Management putting this Annual Show @ TC Chevrolet together certainly a job well done.
Carmie, one of our SOCA Members, was kind enough to provide 70 delicious cupcakes for us to savor. A big thank you for your contribution, Carmie, your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Thank you, TC Chevrolet, for being an integral part of this annual event. Your support and efforts in hosting this event do not go unappreciated. Thank you to TC Chevrolet & its owners for providing us with a special lunch provided by The Melt Food Gourmet Grilled Cheese Truck who provided us with an array of very tasty, toasted cheese sandwiches along with the necessary condiments to select from to complete our tasty lunch. Gourmet Grilled Cheese Food Truck did a great job feeding everyone in attendance.
We appreciate everyone coming out to take part in this event to support our truly amazing club.
Thank you for supporting Sparrow Clubs with the 50/50 raffle which generated $676.00. Bob Silverman won the 50/50 raffle & generously donated his winnings to TC Chevrolet's charity.
A special shout-out to Bob Silverman, from Rogue Valley Corvettes, the winner of the 50/50 raffle for donating his winnings back to Sparrow Club.

Saturday April 13th
Pear Blossom Festival
Medfords Oldest Tradition.
SOCA members met @ Corvette Bar & Grill on 6th Street & left for Rogue Valley Mall to meet up with other SOCA Members staged in front of Macy’s.
22 SOCA Corvettes proceeded to the Pear Blossom Parade route to participate.
Luncheon was held @ the Orginal Roadhouse Grill In Medford.
Thank you Orginal Road House Grill for hosting the Southern Oregon Corvette Association.
We had a total of 38 SOCA Members for lunch and just plain old comaradery amongst fellow Corvette enthusiasts.
Thank you to our members that participated in Pear Blossom Parade.